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Strona:PL - ACTA wniosek z 2012-01-18.pdf/70

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practices to prevent and combat infringements.

3.Each Party shall, as appropriate, promote internal coordination among, and facilitate joint actions by, its competent authorities responsible for the enforcement of intellectual property rights.

4.Each Party shall endeavour to promote, where appropriate, the establishment and maintenance of formal or informal mechanisms, such as advisory groups, whereby its competent authorities may receive the views of right holders and other relevant stakeholders.

Management of Risk at Border

1.In order to enhance the effectiveness of border enforcement of intellectual property rights, the competent authorities of a Party may:

(a)consult with the relevant stakeholders, and the competent authorities of other Parties responsible for the enforcement of intellectual property rights to identify and address significant risks, and promote actions to mitigate those risks; and
(b)share information with the competent authorities of other Parties on border enforcement of intellectual property rights, including relevant information to better identify and target for inspection shipments suspected of containing infringing goods.

2.Where a Party seizes imported goods infringing an intellectual property right, its competent authorities may provide the Party of export with information necessary for identification of the parties and goods involved in the exportation of the seized goods. The competent authorities of the Party of export may take action against those parties and future shipments in accordance with that Party’s law.


To promote transparency in the administration of its intellectual property rights enforcement system, each Party shall take appropriate measures, pursuant to its law and policies, to publish or otherwise make available to the public information on:

(a)procedures available under its law for enforcing intellectual property rights, its competent authorities responsible for such enforcement, and contact points available for assistance;
(b)relevant laws, regulations, final judicial decisions, and administrative rulings of general application pertaining to the enforcement of intellectual property rights; and
(c)its efforts to ensure an effective system of enforcement and protection of intellectual property rights.

Public Awareness

Each Party shall, as appropriate, promote the adoption of measures to enhance public awareness of the importance of respecting intellectual property rights and the detrimental effects of intellectual property rights infringement.

Environmental Considerations in Destruction of Infringing Goods

The destruction of goods infringing intellectual property rights shall be done consistently with the laws and regulations on environmental matters of the Party in which the destruction takes place.